Below is a non-exhaustive list of publications prepared by the two Primary Investigators (PIs) of the Ferrycarrig Research Project. The publications are arranged thematically, although several publications could belong to multiple categories. The following acronyms have been used below:

  • B= Book
  • BC= Book Contribution
  • PRJ = Peer Reviewed Journal
  • J A= Journal Article
  • CF = Conference Proceedings

For a list of research and publications prepared by Associate Staff or PIs on other programs, please see their individual profiles here.

Below is a non-exhaustive list of publications prepared by the two Primary Investigators (PIs) of the Ferrycarrig Research Project. The publications are arranged thematically, although several publications could belong to multiple categories. The following acrony


Mandal, S., O’Keeffe E. and Cooney, G.  2016. Polished stone axeheads from Irish caves. In Dowd, M. (ed). Underground Archaeology: Studies on Human Bones and Artefacts from Ireland’s Caves.  Oxbow Press ISBN 978-1-78570-351-5. Ch 5. 103-109. BC

Mandal, S. 2016. Coarse stone objects from Ballynamintra Cave, Co. Waterford  In Dowd, M. (ed). Underground Archaeology: Studies on Human Bones and Artefacts from Ireland’s Caves.  Oxbow Press ISBN 978-1-78570-351-5. Ch. 12. 185-189. BC

Mandal, S. 2012. Solid geology and soils of Parke’s Castle, Co. Leitrim. In Foley, C. and Donnelly, C., 2012. Parke’s Castle, Co. Leitrim: Archaeology, History and Architecture, Ch. 3, p. 23-24. The Stationery Office, Dublin. BC

Logue, R., Roche, H. and Mandal, S. 2012. Excavations at Craigmacagan. In Forsythe, W. And McConkey, R. Rathlin Island: An Archaeological Survey of a Maritime Landscape, Ch. 3.5, p. 74-81. W&G Baird, Antrim. BC

Logue, R., Gardiner, M. and Mandal, S. 2012. Stone objects from Parke’s Castle, Co. Leitrim. In Foley, C. and Donnelly, C., 2012. Parke’s Castle, Co. Leitrim: Archaeology, History and Architecture, Ch. 3, p. 23-24. The Stationery Office, Dublin. BC

Cooney, G., Mandal, S., O’Keefe, E. and Warren, G. 2012. Rathlin in early prehistory. In Forsythe, W. And McConkey, R., 2012. Rathlin Island: An Archaeological Survey of a Maritime Landscape, Ch. 3.1, p. 46-49. W&G Baird, Antrim. BC

Cooney, G., Mandal, S. and O’Keeffe, E. 2011.  ‘The Irish Stone Axe Project: Reviewing progress, future prospects’ In Davis, V. and Edmonds, M (eds). Stone Axe Studies III. Oxford: Oxbow. BC

Mandal, S. 2005.  Petrographical assessment of stone finds from the Mound of the Hostages.  Published as Appendix in Tara, The Mound of The Hostages by Muiris O’Sullivan, 2005.  Wordwell: Wicklow. BC

Mandal, S., O’Sullivan, A., Byrnes, E., Weddle, D. and Weddle, J. 2004. Experiments in the production of stone tools. In E. Walker, F. Wenban-Smith and F.Healy (eds) Lithics in Action (Conference Proceedings, Cardiff, 2000). Lithics Studies Society Occasional Paper 8. CP

Cooney, G. and Mandal, S. 2000. The Irish Stone Axe Project: Sources for Stone Axes in Ireland.  Krystalinikum XXVI, 45-55.  Germany. PRJ

Cooney, G., Mandal, S. and Byrnes, E. 1999. An Irish Stone Axe Project Report: Non-Porcellanite Stone Axes in Ulster. Ulster Journal of Archaeology 57PRJ

Mandal, S. 1999. Petrological identifications of selected artefacts. In Woodman, P.C., Anderson, E. and Finlay, N., 1999. Excavations at Ferriter’s Cove, 1983-95: Last forages, first farmers in the Dingle Peninsula, 201-2. Dublin: Wordwell. BC

Cooney, G. and Mandal, S. 1998. The Irish Stone Axe Project: First Monograph. Dublin: Wordwell. B

Mandal, S. 1997. Report on Lia Fail and other stones.  Published in Newman, C., 1997.  Tara: An archaeological survey.  Discovery Programme Monographs 2.  Brookfield: Dublin. BC

Mandal, S. 1997. Striking the Balance: The Roles of Petrography and Geochemistry in Stone Axe Studies in Ireland. Archaeometry  39 (2), 289-308. PRJ

Mandal, S., Cooney, G., Meighan, I. and Jamison, D. 1997. Using Geochemistry to Interpret Porcellanite Stone Axe Production in Ireland. Journal of Archaeological Science 24, 757-63. PRJ

Meighan, I., Jamison, D., Logue, P., Simpson, D., Rogers, G., Mandal, S. and Cooney, G. 1996. Trace element and Isotopic Provenancing of North Antrim Porcellanites: Portrush – Tievebulliagh – Brockley (Rathlin Island). Ulster Journal of Archaeology 56, 25-30. PRJ

Cooney, G., Mandal, S. and O’Carroll, F. 1995. Stone axes as icons: Approaches to the study of stone axes in Ireland. In Annus Archaeologiae (E. Grogan and C. Mount (eds)), Proceeding of the OIA winter conference, 1993, 23-36. BC, CP

Cooney, G. and Mandal, S. 1995. Getting to the core of the problem: petrological results from the Irish Stone Axe Project. Antiquity 69, 969-980. PRJ

Mandal, S. 1996. Irish Stone Axes – rock and role of the petrologist. Archaeology Ireland 38, 32-35. JA

Mandal, S. and Cooney G. 1993/4. The Irish Stone Axe Project: A Second Petrological Report. The Journal of Irish Archaeology 7PRJ

Mandal, S., Cooney, G., Grogan, E., O’Carroll, F. and Guinan, B. 1991/2. A Review of the Petrological Techniques being Utilised to Identify, Group, and Source Irish Stone Axes. The Journal of Irish Archaeology 6, 1-11. PRJ

Cooney, G., O’Carroll, F., Grogan, E. and Mandal, S. 1990. Stone axes of County Louth: a second report. Co. Louth Archaeological and Historical Journal 22, 178-186.  PRJ

Irish Archaeology

Shine, D., Potterton, M., Mandal, S. and McLoughlin, C. (eds). 2019. Carrick, County Wexford: Ireland’s first Anglo-Norman Stronghold. Four Courts Press, Dublin. B

Shine, D., Reid, R., Mandal, S., Green, A. and Clutterbuck, R. 2019. Carrick – The Story Continues: New Investigations at the Ringwork Site. In Shine, D., Potterton, M., Mandal, S. and McLoughlin, C. 2019 (eds). Carrick, County Wexford: Ireland’s first Anglo-Norman Stronghold. Four Courts Press, Dublin. 117-139. BC

Rogers, M., Bouricius, R., Shine, D. and Mandal, S. 2019. Capturing Carrick: a digital approach to constructing and deconstructing the modern and relict landscape. In Shine, D., Potterton, M., Mandal, S. and McLoughlin, C. 2019 (eds). Carrick, County Wexford: Ireland’s first Anglo-Norman Stronghold. Four Courts Press, Dublin. 163-173. BC

O’Brien, D., Mandal, S. and Bennett, I. 2019. The Crimean Monument: One Tower – Several Stories. In Shine, D., Potterton, M., Mandal, S. and McLoughlin, C. 2019 (eds). Carrick, County Wexford: Ireland’s first Anglo-Norman Stronghold. Four Courts Press, Dublin. BC

Mandal, S., Boytner, R., Shine, D., Zborover, D. and Harris, M. 2019. The Carrig field school: a model for the benefits of field school education. In Shine, D., Potterton, M., Mandal, S. and McLoughlin, C. 2019 (eds). Carrick, County Wexford: Ireland’s first Anglo-Norman Stronghold. Four Courts Press, Dublin. 198-212. BC

Shine, D., O’ Flaherty, R., Doyle, I. and Mandal, S. 2019. Remembering the Anglo-Normans 1969 and Now. In Shine, D., Potterton, M., Mandal, S. and McLoughlin, C. 2019 (eds). Carrick, County Wexford: Ireland’s first Anglo-Norman Stronghold. Four Courts Press, Dublin. 213-230. BC

Shine, D. and McLoughlin, C. 2019. A history of Carrick. In Shine, D., Potterton, M., Mandal, S. and McLoughlin, C. 2019 (eds). Carrick, County Wexford: Ireland’s first Anglo-Norman Stronghold. Four Courts Press, Dublin. 96-116. BC

Shine, D., Potterton, M., Mandal, S. and McLoughlin, C. Preface. In Shine, D., Potterton, M., Mandal, S. and McLoughlin, C. 2019 (eds). Carrick, County Wexford: Ireland’s first Anglo-Norman Stronghold. Four Courts Press, Dublin. xvii-xxii. BC

Shine, D., Callaghan, S., Green, A. and B. Arrigan. 2019. Rehearsing for the Theatre of War. Archaeology Ireland 33 (2), 30-35. JA

Callaghan, S. and Shine, D. 2018. Trench Warfare in the Fourteen Acres. Birr Review 18. JA

O’ Sullivan, M., Rogers, M., Shine, D. and Mandal, S. 2018. Seir Kieran. Place, pilgrimage, and tradition in the monastic midlands. Offaly Heritage 10, 21-42. JA, PRJ

Rogers, M., Bouricius, R., Shine, D.Mandal, S. and Stull, S. 2018. Laser-Scanning Trim Castle. Archaeology Ireland, 32 (3), 34-39. JA

Shine, D., Mandal, S., Hayes, C. and Harris, M. 2018. Finding Carrig. Archaeology Ireland, 32 (2), 35-40. JA

Shine, D., Clutterbuck, R., Seaver, S., Gaffrey, J., Stephens, M., Elder, S., Fagan B. and Lyne, E. 2016. New Archaeological Sites for County Meath found during works on the Meath Bundled Wastewater Scheme. Ríocht Na Mídhe, XXVII1-29. JA

Shine, D., Green, A., O’Carroll, F., Mandal, S. and Mullee, B.  2016. What lies beneath-chasing the Trim Town Wall circuit. Archaeology Ireland 30 (1),34-38. JA

Shine, D., O’ Carroll, F., McConnon, M. and Corrway. 2016. The Blackfriary Button. Ríocht Na Mídhe, XXVII30-36. JA

Shine, D. 2013. The Abbeyleix Workhouse and its Archaeological Remains. Irish Post Medieval Archaeological Group (IPMAG) Annual Magazine, 9, 14-17. JA

Shine, D. and Stephens, S. P. 2013. From Ireland to Arnhem Land: A Personal AccountIrish Archaeological Research, 5, 1-8. JA

Shine, D. and Travers, C. 2012. Unmarked Medieval and Post-Medieval Burial Grounds: A Time to Reconsider? Ríocht Na Mídhe, XXIII, 1-15. JA

Shine, D. 2011. A Note on Prehistoric Activity Recorded in Ráth Cairn. Ríocht Na Mídhe, XXII, 20–25. JA

Shine, D. 2011. Glass Making on Pearse Street, Dublin. Irish Post Medieval Archaeological Group (IPMAG) Annual Magazine, 8, 3-6. JA

Shine, D. and Travers, C. 2011. Excavations in Athboy County Meath. Archaeology Ireland, 25 (2), 19-22. JA

Shine, D. and Travers, C. 2011. An Interesting Burial in Rathmolyon Co. Meath. Ríocht Na Mídhe, XXII, 102–122. JA

Shine, D. and Seavers, M. 2009. Towards the Rogues Castle: Excavations at Navan Gate St. Trim. In Potterton, M. and Seaver, M. (eds) 2009. Uncovering Medieval Trim. Four Courts Press. Dublin. 146-153. BC

Public/Community Archaeology

Baker, C., O’ Carroll, F., Duffy, P., Shine, D.Mandal, S. and Mongey, M. 2019. Creating Opportunities and Managing Expectations: Evaluating Community Archaeology in Ireland. In Jameson, J. and Musteaţă, S. (eds). 2019. Transforming Heritage Practice in the 21st Century: Contributions from Community Archaeology. Springer, Switzerland. 15-28. BC

Mandal, S., O’Carroll, F. and Shine, D. 2015.  The Black Friary, Trim.  Archaeology Ireland 111, 34-38. JA

Mandal, S. and O’Carroll, F. 2011.  A New Model for Site Preservation and Archaeological Practice.  Archaeological Institute of America Site Preservation Program: Heritage, Conservation & Archaeology Series Paper. JA

Mandal, S. and O’Carroll, F. 2008.  Time for a re-think? Archaeology Ireland 84, 38-39. JA

Australian (and World) Archaeology

May, S., Shine, D., Wright, D., Denham, T., Marshall, M., Hiscock, P., Prideaux, F. and Stephens, S. P. 2017. The Rock Art of Ingaanjalwurr, western Arnhem Land, Australia. In B. David, P.S.C. Taçon, J.-M. Geneste and J.-J. Delannoy, J.-J. (eds), The archaeology of rock art in Arnhem Land. Terra Australis series. Australian National University, Canberra BC

Shine, D., Hiscock, P. and Denham, T. 2016. The Archaeology of Ingaanjalwurr Rockshelter in Manilikarr Country, western Arnhem Land. Australian Archaeology, 82, 67-75. PRJ

Wright, D., Shine, D. and Denham, T. 2015. Archaeology in Kakadu: Past, Present and Future. In Kakadu National Park Landscape Symposia Series. Symposium 6: Walk the Talk: Cultural Heritage Management in Kakadu National Park. ed S. Winderlich, 19-20 May 2011, Jabiru Youth Centre, Kakadu National Park. Internal Report 625, October, Supervising Scientist, Darwin, 72-79. CP

Shine, D., Marshall, M., Wright, D., Denham, T., Hiscock, P., Jacobsen, G. and Stephens, S. P. 2015. The archaeology of Bindjarran rockshelter in Manilikarr Country. Australian Archaeology, 80, 104-111. PRJ

Shine, D., Wright, D., Denham, T., Aplin, K., Hiscock, P., Parker, K. and Walton, R. 2013. Birriwilk rockshelter: A mid – to late Holocene site in Manilikarr Country, southwest Arnhem Land, Northern Territory. Australian Archaeology, 76, 69-78. PRJ

Wright, D., Denham, T., Shine, D. and Donohue, M. 2013. An Archaeological Review of western New Guinea.  Journal of World Prehistory, 26 (1), 25-73. PRJ

Archaeology and Education

Mandal, S. 2014.  An Accidental Archaeologist. In Carter, S.T. (ed). 2016. We don’t dig Dinosaurs! What archaeologists really get up to. Ch. 19, p. 129-134. Xlibris; Australia. BC

Mandal, S. and O’Loughlin, L. (eds), 2013.  Our History Your History: A children’s history book, written by young people for young people. B

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